Game Handling Editor v1.0

Game Handling Editor v1.0 for GTA San Andreas.
This script adds game editor Handling settings (characteristics) of vehicles. Now you can change the handling (characteristics) of any vehicle in the game.

Features of the script:
- In game editor includes all the parameters for each line in file handling.cfg
- Ability to set flags for models and handling.
- Apply the modified settings and handling of the current cars in the game.
- Save settings and handling in the INI file, and open them.
- Conversion of all options, handling and in the line for file handling.cfg

Developing a game editor was based on two programs: HandlingED and FlagStudio. These data were compiled similar to the interface of the game editor handling settings.

The archive is a file HandlingIDs.txt, which contains a list of all the standard machines:
The first column is HandlingID number, the second column HandlingID name, the third column is the model name of the machine.

To begin to configure the settings of your machine, you first need to know what the ID model and then enter the window ID in the top left corner of the editor. To set this gaming editor all standard vehicles (400-611).

- After conversion editor settings in the line in the file ConvertHandling.txt you need the first parameter (which is responsible for HandlingID the car) with the ID of the model to rename the title of this HadlingID. All their names are in the file handling.cfg (first parameter) or in a file HandlingIDs.txt (the second column). You can't in-game editor to change the Handling of the machines with a new ID (over 611). The editor only works on the standard ID models (400-611) or rooms Handling ID (0-209).
- The value of the MaxVelocity parameter (which is responsible for the maximum speed of the machine) is incorrectly shown in-game editor. Not recommended to put too much importance (for those who like a crazy speed the car), if you go at a crazy speed and hit, then the game will crash tightly. When converting to a string, this parameter will also be written with a wrong value, will have to be corrected manually.
- Also incorrectly displayed the parameter value EngineAcceleration (which is responsible for the overclockability of the machine) on some ID Handling machines. So you would have after conversion of the line and this option to manually correct, it goes after the MaxVelocity setting in the file Handling.cfg.
- It is not recommended to change the parameter value VehicleAnimGroup (which is responsible for the animation of the peds) and apply it to the game. Otherwise you will get a game crash when player sit in vehicle with another animation.
- The car does not behave differently after making changes, handling options from this machine. The solution is prespawn this machine. Also there's a second reason is possible when you added the car to the new model ID in the file vehicles.ide, then you may have assigned to it the same Handling ID Name (the second column of the file HandlingIDs.txt) as the standard car, and now it is a standard machine won't take the settings from the assignment of its Handling ID name to the car with the new ID.

It is NOT recommended to use a spent crack and others, which the English letters replaced by Russian ones. The editor has only English localization, and those who have similar localization, problems can occur with incorrect displaying of letters in the inscriptions in the game using this editor.

Activation editor:
The default is "H+6". You can also change your two keys in the. INI file GHE.ini

Mr_GeniusZ for a little help in writing the script.
DK22Pac for help in fixing one known bug.

Author Chel555
CLEO version CLEO Library 4.4.1
Mod was manually checked for malicious code and stealers

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