Activation of unused garages

With this script you can open garages in the game have not been used or opened only in some missions.

Some garages just opened, in some you can repaint the car or lay explosives.

Here is a list of activated garages and description of their purpose:
Caesar's garage-just a garage.
Garage Vusi-8-ball (bomb simulators).
Parking garage in downtown Los Santos, there were van DJ ' I order-repainting.
Garage El Corona (from the mission where you had to help clear the area of Caesar vagosov)-just a garage.
Garage in the Wheels Arch Angel (South San Fierro)-repainting.
Garage at a petrol station just Doherty garage.
The Mission of "Excommunication" garage (located in the desert in the so-called ghost town)-repainting.

Author dim1988
CLEO version CLEO 4

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