FPS Timecyc to crashes

Crashes to FPS Timecyc for GTA SA. Beautiful bright timecyc under crashes. Many people know that after installing the mod crashes and enabled in its settings functions "nopostfx" GTA San Andreas is getting darker. This tajmcikl fixes this nasty problem + adds fps due to the fact that it reduced the range of drawing and removed the shade. It also changed all of the time and weather cycles, removed night.
If you are not satisfied with the range of drawing then you can change it yourself with the help of Cleo "Сleo drawing" or asi plugin "Fog distance".

In order to completely free to download to crashes FPS Timecyc for GTA SA, simply go to the link below this description.

Author Sevos

 Views: 15.4k
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 Downloads: 4.2k

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