Sobeit for CM v0.6
The public version of sabata version of CM
ATTENTION!!! for additions download m0d S0beit v4.3.0.0
1) Blink color (pulsator flowers Kara) - Activate the New menu Cheats
2) Blink wheels (pulsator disks Kara) - Activate the New menu Cheats
3) Pulsator health and armor,changing its speed - activation P or in the New menu Cheats
Changing the speed of the pulse health and armor too menu Cheats
4) Super Gun - Activate the menu Cheats
To set used slots too menu Cheats
(Works pretty fast and repeated clicking LMB)
5) AutoDriver Riding without rights for large RP servers,in particular samp-rp -
Activation/Deactivation L (need to be in kind or in the New menu Cheats
(Setting timers under ping also in the new menu,the default 1500 100)
6) set Fire to cars - Activation C
7) GetUp (TPSA punishment high in the sky,from any location,keep Y 1-2sec,)
8) Carspam - keep H (eng)
9) Carflood - Activate the New menu Cheats
key_pulse = &0
where &0 this deactivating with the button)
-Added carspam (some even larger),default on H (eng)Derjati until takes all auto close,when spam cars awaits Symphony Kudrow all of these cars:)
-Added carflood,activation in the new menu, New Cheats > Car flood.Работает while turned on,keep the button is not necessary...
-A little prekrasno menu and indicators.
-Changed timers autodriver,now, by default, are: C location 1400 to pass 100
To change the shortcut key of these functions in the ini file, add:
key_car_spam =
key_car_flood =
After equal to put 1 space and specify chosen Vani new key.
-Added indicator SuperGun
-Dobavlen cheat (as Cleo) GetUp:
Sadishsya in any car,on any place,even with the players,and press Y,all with TA car up to a great height,and you quickly TA samlat not less than a second,because there will be problems with the TA rock matter how many will hold Y to such a height and TA CT...For sampa-RP second or two will be enough,if more then KICK for TA...
-Fixed bug with H
-Blink color now works not only on K, but with the new menu
-Added burned cars,by default, in C
-Added a new menu where you moved all the new features,which are arranged by categories
-Added the possibility of choice slots SuperGun menu immediately
-Added ability to change the speed of Spichak and Airbrake menu immediately
-Some features that were on the button now been added to the new menu
To change keys set fire to cars in the mod_sa.ini to add the line:
key_destroy =
where key is activated.
1.To modify the keys SuperGun and Pulse mod_sa.ini to add the line:
key_supergun =
key_pulse =
(After = one space and the desired key)
Moznost expose (adjust by itself) driving without rights in the new menu Cheats.
-time driving costs 2000 ( 2 seconds)
the time to pass the location of 10 (ten 0.1 second)
To set your default time,in order not to go into the menu in mod_sa.ini add:
from_pass = time to pass
from_drive = time with drivers
Who cicae to increase the place of stay to pass the place from 10 to 20 think enough (from 0.1 to 0.2)
Try for yourself)
####v0.3#### (The idea AC)
Added drive without a license for RP servers,in particular the sampa-RP
Activation/Deactivation L Dobavlen indicator Auto Drive starts at landing at Kar)
When AFK cicnet because when exiting the game function stops working
Added super-Gong (super gun)...
The default is the slot degla and Shota
To change the slot weapons in mod_sa.ini to add the line:
weapon_slot1 = 2
weapon_slot2 = 3
Where figures 2 and 3 are a number of your slot
Activation in the new menu - Super Gun
(Acts repeated,rapid clicking the left mouse button)
####v 0.1####
Can colors Kara (pulsator flowers) - activation K or in the new menu
Can disks Kara - activation in the new menu Cheats - Blink Wheeles (works only with flashing colors)
Bulster health And armor - activation P or in the new menu,change the delays (speed) is also in the menu - Pulse Time (+/-)
To activate the pulsator armor add mod_sa.ini line:
armor_pulse = true
To change the colors of the pulsator Kara add mod_sa.ini line:
#time for replace car color & car wheels in millisecunds
time_for_replace = 100
blinking_car_color0 = 0
blinking_car_color1 = 1
blinking_car_color2 = 6
blinking_car_color3 = 126
blinking_car_color4 = 2
blinking_car_color5 = 5
blinking_car_color6 = 8
blinking_car_color7 = 100
blinking_car_color8 = 7
blinking_car_color9 = 109
blinking_car_color10 = 56
blinking_car_color11 = 35
blinking_car_color12 = 68
blinking_car_color13 = 37
blinking_car_color14 = 47
blinking_car_color15 = 70
blinking_car_color16 = 81
blinking_car_color17 = 50
Where the figures ID colors,and time_for_replace = 100 change speed...
(( ReadMe fully copied. ))
FAQ by AK_47
MOD by Pushok
1) Blink color (pulsator flowers Kara) - Activate the New menu Cheats
2) Blink wheels (pulsator disks Kara) - Activate the New menu Cheats
3) Pulsator health and armor,changing its speed - activation P or in the New menu Cheats
Changing the speed of the pulse health and armor too menu Cheats
4) Super Gun - Activate the menu Cheats
To set used slots too menu Cheats
(Works pretty fast and repeated clicking LMB)
5) Drive without a license for large RP servers,in particular samp-rp - Activation/Deactivation L (need to be in kind or in the New menu Cheats
6) set Fire to cars - Activation C
7) GetUp (TPSA punishment high in the sky,from any location,keep Y 1-2sec,)
8) Carspam - keep H (eng)
9) Carflood - Activate the New menu Cheats
To remove keys pulsator,mod_sa.ini to add the line:
key_pulse = &0
By the same principle, and everything else.
All new lines in the ini(add yourself on request,dobavlyaetsya to modify only the keys and settings of activate cheats):
# ==========
# Pulse key
# ==========
key_pulse =
# ==========================
# Keys carspam and carflood
# ==========================
key_car_spam =
key_car_flood =
# ===========
# Car Fire
# ===========
key_destroy =
# ===============================
# Keys Supergun and slots weapon
# ===============================
key_supergun =
weapon_slot1 =
weapon_slot2 =
# ==========================================
# Time for autodriver,tp from pass and drive
# ===========================================
from_pass =
from_drive =
# ======================================================
# time for replace car color & car wheels in millisecunds
# =======================================================
time_for_replace = 100
blinking_car_color0 = 0
blinking_car_color1 = 1
blinking_car_color2 = 6
blinking_car_color3 = 126
blinking_car_color4 = 2
blinking_car_color5 = 5
blinking_car_color6 = 8
blinking_car_color7 = 100
blinking_car_color8 = 7
blinking_car_color9 = 109
blinking_car_color10 = 56
blinking_car_color11 = 35
blinking_car_color12 = 68
blinking_car_color13 = 37
blinking_car_color14 = 47
blinking_car_color15 = 70
blinking_car_color16 = 81
blinking_car_color17 = 50
(( ReadMe fully copied. ))
Author | Pushok; Идея AK_47 |