Releases in Japan: GTA SA PS2

Releases in Japan: GTA SA PS2
At the date of the official output port of GTA San Andreas in Japan, there was a significant delay. It was more than 2 years since the introduction of the game on other continents. There are two objective reasons - the hard laws of the country and the presence of hidden sections in the original distributions SA.

Some time after the first release of GTA SA in the global network became available add-in "Hot Coffee". It is possible to access the hidden components erotic content. Around this fact has played a serious scandal. The game's rating was upgraded to "adults-only" sales in the individual points of sale were suspended. Scandalous components were promptly removed from the game and returned "back on track".

On the pages of the global network there are also mentions of difficulties in obtaining permits for the implementation of the game in Japan. The reason is the abundance of violence. In the end, the gameplay has been revised. Were cut single mission, the corpses became inaccessible for beating, punching in respect of ordinary passers-by stopped to make a profit.

Releases in Japan: GTA SA PS2
To accelerate the emergence of GTA SA for PS2 in Japan helped start cooperation with a major Japanese developer and publisher of games Capcom. Information about this is extremely rare, but it clearly a significant contribution to the company and publisher.

GTA SA PS2 in Japan: the release and popularity

Official event in Japan was held on 25 January 2007. The gaming community is Japan finally able to immerse yourself in the game world, which previously could be found in the news and Amateur reviews.

By the time the game is released scandalous content of erotic character and individual gameplay elements have been removed or adjusted. In this regard, was set classic series Grand Theft Auto games age rating 18+". He is "maximum". Recall that the minimum value of "15+" installed according to research company OFLC. Thresholds age restrictions depended solely on the country distribution of the game.

Sales of GTA SA in Japan justified wildest assumptions. Competent advertising campaign, the success of the past games, outrageous hype around erotic content and the long wait for the release did the trick.

Today, interest in the gaming community is not quenched, which is largely due to the regular official and author updates. There is an assumption that no output network modifications multiplayer SAMP and MTA, the popularity of the game would be somewhat faded, as in the original version of GTA SA for PS2 to cooperate could only 2 players.

In connection with the foregoing release GTA SA for PS2 in Japan and processes maintain the interest of the gaming community can be considered successful. The game has taken a worthy place in the history of computer games and the line of Grand Theft Auto.

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