Flying Grandmother With Degenerative Disc Diseas

Modification of the Flying Grandmother With Degenerative Disc Diseas for GTA San Andreas. Now in the vastness of San Andreas you will be able to meet the flying grandmother with degenerative disc disease! The disease struck her and now she can't move, this feature of this skin!

- First skin with osteochondrosis;
- Able to fly with some skill;
- If you sit down, it can be very cool to hide;
- Any errors or bugs;
- Replaces bmyap (id 16).

You can easily download the Flying Grandmother With Degenerative Disc Diseas for GTA SA free. To do this, simply click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Author Govnomods Studio (Студия модификаций имени Жовно)
Skin type Cartoon characters
Model to replace Bmyap (id16)

 Views: 3.6k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/59)
 Downloads: 370

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