D1-644 (intermediate)

Modification of the D1-644 (intermediate) for GTA San Andreas. The real model of Russian diesel train. It is the intermediate part of the composition.

- Its a conflict;
- High quality textures;
- Supports all functions of the game;
- Integrates perfectly in the game world.

Optionally, with the program SA Train Limiter, you can edit gta_sa.exe so that the desired composition of the locomotive was assigned to streak, and as the first and the second carriage.. As the last car to put freibox. Should be the following: . - . - . - freibox.
In the real world, such a structure is operated in 4-car composition.

In order to absolutely free download mod D1-644 (intermediate) for GTA San Andreas click on the link which is located at the end of this page.

Author ivan
Brand Other
Model Other
Type of train Passenger wagon
Model to replace StreakC
Replace model files streakc.dff (3.31mb)
streakc.txd (1.81mb)

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 Downloads: 2.1k

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