MP5 (convertida do SA:DE)

High-quality weapons mod - MP5 (convertida do SA:DE) for GTA San Andreas. Defeat even the strongest enemies using this weapon in battle! No bugs and bugs. Enjoy.

-Excellent textures;
- No bugs;
-Replaced by the standard model Mp5;
- Very cool design;
- Perfectly integrates into the game world and supports all functions.

To install the modification MP5 (convertida do SA:DE) for GTA San Andreas follow the links at the end of the page. The mod has an automatic installer.

Author Grove Street Games ThePedro004
Model to replace MP5
Brand GTA SA The Definitive Edition
Model Other
Replace model files mp5lng.dff (0.07mb)
mp5lng.txd (0.34mb)

 Views: 2.2k
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 Downloads: 375

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