Weapons for GTA San Andreas 0 M16A4 - ACOG, Foregrip 1 A set of Russian arms 0 ACW-R from Battlefield 4 0 UTAS UTS-15 from Battlefield 4 1 SV-98 with a Bipod and Scope 1 SV-98 with a Bipod and no rear Sight 0 SV-98 without the Bipod and Scope 1 SV-98 without the Bipod and Scope 0 AK47 from Battlefield 4 0 M4 from Battlefield 4 1 AU VAL (Battlefield 3) 0 CZ-3A1 Scorpion (Bump Mapping) v3 0 CZ-3A1 Scorpion (Bump Mapping) v4 0 RPK 74 from Battlefield 4 0 CZ-3A1 Scorpion (Bump Mapping) v1 0 CZ-3A1 Scorpion (Bump Mapping) v2 0 Mossberg 500 from Battlefield: Vietnam 0 Revolver .44 Magnum from Battlefield: Vietnam 1 US Граната from Battlefield: Vietnam 0 The Mosin (Battlefield: Vietnam) 0 ДПМ (Battlefield: Vietnam) 0 РПГ-2 (Battlefield: Vietnam) 0 РПГ-7В from Battlefield: Vietnam 1 РПД from Battlefield: Vietnam 0 Sapper Shovel (Battlefield: Vietnam) 0 СВД (Battlefield: Vietnam)