Schale Heli

Quality transport - Schale Heli for GTA Vice City. This helicopter has good quality models and textures, as well as a detailed interior. The helicopter will fit the atmosphere. It has no errors and bugs.

- The helicopter has a good quality model;
-The helicopter has good quality textures;
- During testing, no errors and other bugs were detected;
- No bugs or bugs.

You can download mod Schale Heli for GTA Vice City with automatic installation via the links below on this page. By default, it replaces Maverick.

Author KiloRyu
Brand Other
Model Other
Type of Helicopter Passenger
Model to replace Maverick
Replace model files maverick.dff (0.58mb)
maverick.txd (0.66mb)

 Views: 2k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/64)
 Downloads: 444

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