Releases GTA Xbox in Japan: Vice City

Releases GTA Xbox in Japan: Vice City
the Official presentation of GTA Vice City for Xbox Japanese gaming community was held in the summer of 2004. The rumors circulated in advance of the event, which provided the players ' interest and demand for the game to release it into the mass market.

In the new version of 3D-shooter developers have done a great job on improving three-dimensional graphics. Together with professional script, attention to detail, GTA Vice City became a separate criminal world with hundreds of possible variants of development of events.

Releases GTA Xbox in Japan: Vice City

Graphics and features a script

Private improvements image effects is a modified use of reflective surfaces. Compared with the third GTA higher resolution texture surfaces. Damaged cars have become more realistic.

The game scenario is based on the life of criminals living in the city, Vice City and its surroundings. Virtual city streets have a physical analogue - cartography Miami.

Also increased the number of missions of higher complexity. In them, the player will have to run more than one mile on the streets, hiding from pursuit hostile humans. The tasks of the character greatly facilitate the expanded fleet and Arsenal.

On "artificial intelligence" bandits and ordinary citizens also work hard. They have become more "intelligent", and their actions are similar to the logical reaction of ordinary people.

Official release and adaptation GTA VC for Japan

In Japan the official presentation of GTA Vice City for Xbox was held 10 years ago, on July 29, 2004. However, on gaming forums also mentioned January 2, 2004, may 20, 2003, and other dates. These differences partly caused by the false information published to the official statements of the company Rockstar.

For obtaining permission for implementation GTA Vice City for Xbox developers had to make some edits to the game. In particular, the mission was reduced the number of mandatory murders. Also removed a brutal scenes associated with heavy bleeding and scattered body parts.

After making the necessary graphical edits to the game received a rating of "18+". Only after these changes, and many documentary approvals game went on the shelves. Main publisher of games in Japan was the company Capcom.

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