Release GTA VC for OS X in Europe

Release GTA VC for OS X in Europe: assessment of success
With the release in Europe of the third GTA and GTA Vice City traditional view of the game world "from above" is gone. Now players presents a fundamentally new visualization game events in the large virtual city Vice City. The game seamlessly combines the elements of shooter and automobile simulator.

In comparison with two series of GTA, GTA Vice City done significant work on realistic events. In particular, began to apply a more powerful engine RenderWare. He helped translate the game into a three-dimensional format, which was considered a novelty at the time of release. Users had the opportunity to play in the third person drawn in the 3D format, the mapping of which was borrowed from existing areas.

On the way of improving GUI developers have not lost a key reason for the popularity of the game series GTA in Europe and other countries - flexible storyline involving alternative scenarios and the principle of "free choice".

Release GTA VC for OS X in Europe: assessment of success Release GTA VC for OS X in Europe: assessment of success Release GTA VC for OS X in Europe: assessment of success

the Release of GTA 2 Mac OS X in Europe and assessment of the success of the game

There is a significant gap in the chronology between the outputs of the various ports of the game. In 2002, the citizens of Europe for the first time had the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the second GTA. However, only in 2010 there were a port of the game, adapted for Mac OS X. The fact that the developers RockStar hadn't originally planned the creation of this port, however, the needs of the gaming community all contributed to its emergence.

The official release date of GTA 2 for Mac OS X in Europe is November 12, 2010. Access to the new port of the game almost simultaneously received and the inhabitants of other continents. It's simple: in 2012 the port of the game can be purchased via the Internet, and the time for gathering the necessary documentation for the implementation of the second GTA in different countries of the designers had for almost a decade.

The high sales and unimaginable success of GTA 2 for Mac OS X in Europe speech cannot go. This port for 2010 was more related to collectible editions, and the OS X did not differ in high demand. However, fans of the series Grand Theft Auto appreciated the new port of the game.

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