Past releases: GTA VC PS3(PSN) in America

Recent releases: GTA VC PS3(PSN) in America
Release GTA Vice City on PS3 in North America is deservedly considered one of the key events in the gaming industry. The game is designed hundreds of official and author's additions, thematic groups and communities. Stable interest to the game world VC prompted developers Rockstar to 2009 to release a new port of the game.

Recent releases: GTA VC PS3(PSN) in America
By the time the official release of GTA VC for PlayStation 3 global network infrastructure was well developed. This enabled simultaneously with the release of the distributions of the games on the disk to run on the PlayStation Network. Now the regional affiliation of the players ceased to have value because the distributions GTA were available online, and interested players merged into a large gaming community.

Exit and limitations GTA Vice City PS3 in North America

To the output port VC for PS3 players have already managed to recognize the series of Grand Theft Auto games as one of the most successful in history. Their opinion is supported by many correspondents rating gaming magazines, but critics, too, were not idle. To the delight of players, GTA VC fully satisfy legal requirements in North America, which has been a very loyal character unlike Japan.

29 January 2013 GTA Vice City for PS3 and the PSN network was successfully launched on sale in North America. She was awarded the traditional age limit to "18+". In the formation of age-related indicators included companies PEGI, BBFC, and some others.

port Vice City for PS3

Statistics show that users are keen to ports of games for the PlayStation. This is a simple objective reason - processing capabilities allow for the full potential of the world of GTA.

Recent releases: GTA VC PS3(PSN) in America
In particular, to port GTA VC for PS3(PSN) was carried out adaptation of the individual modules intelligent data processing, used a modified engine RenderWare. Improvements have significantly reduced the performance of the "failure" and to improve the stability of the gameplay.

In the gaming community meet indignation over the use of the potential of the PS3 for VC. There is an opinion that he has not been implemented in full scale. For explanation only - originally the game was created under the hardware capabilities of the consoles 2001-2003, and the port for PS third generation appeared only in 2009. The feasibility to make global changes were absent, as has already appeared a continuation of the GTA series. In addition, fans of the genre notice that the main feature of VC - depth plot plan and its professional implementation.

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