Anniversary of GTA LCS for PS 3 (PSN) in Europe

the Anniversary of the release of GTA LCS for PS 3 (PSN) in Europe
the Release of Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (GTA LCS) on PS 3 fans waited since 2005, when the first PSP version. To adapt the game for modern games PlayStation 3 took almost 9 years. Such a long period is linked mainly with the technical nuances.

the reasons for the delay of the release of GTA LCS for PS3

Game GTA since the introduction of the first version became very popular all over the world. Therefore, each new version of the game world, including GTA LCS, became oriented to a wide audience, not "elected" members of society.

During the appearance of the first modifications GTA LCS for PSP and PS2 developers Rockstar has not been possible to produce adapted for the PlayStation 3 version. The fact that the Playstation 3 has appeared in Europe only in 2007 and were quite expensive.

With the popularity of the game platforms PS 3 and reduction of its cost has become urgent to develop a tailored version of GTA LCS. The advantages of the new platform, European citizens could enjoy in 2013.

the Official release of the game in Europe

It was preceded by numerous announcements, which have seen a divergence date of release. Fans of 3D-shooter had not long to doubt, for now 3 April 2013, the official presentation of the game for the PS3 in Europe.

The game began quickly to spread publishers Rokstar and SoftClub on the disks and files intended for purchases in the Internet shops. The cost of disks was slightly more expensive than their digital counterparts, which is connected with production costs. Pirated copies of the game quickly came into the net and became available outside of Europe. They are gradually being tracked and removed by the Supervisory authorities.

Brief description of the game and interesting facts

The main action takes place with the participation of the hero (Viktor Vancsa) at liberty. The condition and appearance of the city, corresponds to 1998, with the characteristic time of customs of the people and appearance of the buildings.

Interest is the fact that the developers GTA LCS for PS 3 used in the game world of references to other games. For example, in the job, "Night of the livid Dreads" character under the name of Leon says "We're not supposed to see." An interesting coincidence, but Mona in the game Max Payne says. Such crossings are detected in the name of the missions and the words of characters. The goal of the publication of hidden advertising or unconscious remains unknown.

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