The results of the competition 02.04 - 09.04

The results of the competition 02.04 - 09.04
2 April 2014 portal GTAViceCity.RU launched a new weekly contest "Prizes for the top rated users".

This week the winner became user heavyangel!

Since the start of this contest week heavyangel started to add mods and already on April 3 he broke the first place in our Top of users by rating. During these 7 days was published on 16 mods, which added heavyangel.

As a reward the winner can choose 1 of 30 licensed games presented on the page with the rules of the contest.

Want to win in this competition next week? To participate any user of the website GTAViceCity.RU. To win need only add a qualitative fashion on the website. We wish good luck to all the participants at the next contest week and we again congratulate heavyangel!

Popular fashion from the winner

Catrina Skin for GTA San Andreas

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