The release of GTA London 1969 PC

Exit GTA London 1969 PC
In 2009, he released the first official update for the first GTA for PC (Windows) - London 1969. For the first year sales were sold over 10 thousand copies of the modification.

The name of the add-ons largely due to the addition in the game world of the new city. It was London. In addition to updating cartography, were added new music, pedestrians, vehicles, and done other work on improving the graphics. The functionality of the control was not affected.

A visual representation of the game has undergone thematic changes. In particular, it was added many references to the culture of the society on the state of the 60-ies. Partially changed the appearance of the main character, was introduced relevant jargon, made adjustments in the behavior of the characters and made a few other modifications.

Exit GTA London 1969 PC Exit GTA London 1969 PC

Development and the official release of GTA London 1969 PC

The main part in the development additions took 4 company DMA Design, Runecraft, Tarantula Studios and Rockstar Canada. Upon completion of their work to the publisher additions proceeded employees of AGS Games and BMG Interactive.

Official release London 1969 PC took place on 31 March 1999. Strict control of the execution of the laws of those times were not allowed to buy addition to persons beyond the age categories "15+" - "18", depending on the country of residence. These limits age rating systems were substantiated by the presence of violence in the vast virtual world.

Separate the lovers of the genre today show interest in addition, however, complex graphical effects in the game have not been observed. Currently, most modern smartphones have features several times higher than is required to run ons. However, the main emphasis in London 1969 made not on the graphic component, and succinct story line, which is characteristic of all the series Grand Theft Auto.

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