The yield Supplement London 1969 for PS

Yield Supplement London 1969 for PS
GTA London 1969 - the first official expansion pack of the game world of GTA. As you might guess from the title, a new city - London. The developers did not stop there and added new characters, vehicles and 21 musical composition to enhance the playing effect.

Release Supplement for game consoles PlayStation in 1999 became a successful result of the work of developers. Among them included staff Rockstar Canada, DMA Design, Tarantula Studios.

add Release on PS

The official release of GTA London 1969 for the PlayStation is on the 30 April 1999. The novelty of nonlinear scenario and "intersections" with reality contributed to the formation of high demand among buyers. Only for 1999 were sold over 10 million copies of distributions with the addition of the game. The work of the developers and publishers (ASC Games, BMG Interactive) was fully justified.

Currently Supplement London 1969 relates more to a collector's editions. Lovers of GTA notice that each game is unique and understand the intent of the developers can only beginning with early versions of the game series. For their study is not always necessary to have at hand the necessary gaming platform, because there are many simulators such consoles.

Yield Supplement London 1969 for PS Yield Supplement London 1969 for PS Yield Supplement London 1969 for PS

Briefly about the features of add-ons

The main action takes place in London. The city's architecture and appearance of the characters correspond to 1969. With the introduction of "Parallels" with the culture of the 60-ies in the account was taken not only visualization of the gaming environment, but also manners of speech and behavior. Your character's looks is something almost like a secret agent in spy movie that uses characteristic of the period jargon.

Along with the addition of new hire developers care about the realism of the traffic. For example, it also adheres to drive on the left, which is typical for the selected city.

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