GTA 3 Xbox in Japan: the success and criticism

GTA 3 for Xbox in Japan: the success and criticism
the Official release of the third part of Grand Theft Auto on the Xbox was held in Japan in 2004. The game was unique, because it was first used 3D-visualization.

New horizons graphic effects

To fully enjoy the possibilities of three-dimensional graphics players on the Xbox platform created specifically for gaming. For 2004, the prefix has become an ideal solution for users who colourful presentation of the updated world of GTA.

According to the results of independent tests, adapted for the Xbox version of GTA 3 features an improved graphics performance. They considerably exceed the results of tests carried out on other platforms (PS2, PC).

Additionally, holders of GTA 3 for Xbox were able to enjoy high quality music accompaniment, adapted specifically for gaming platform.

GTA 3 for Xbox in Japan: the success and criticism

the Official release of GTA 3 for Xbox in Japan

In Japan release GTA 3 adapted for Xbox, took place in the summer of 2004. on July 29, the game was officially presented to the gaming community and entered into the mass market. Some of the comments and reviews on the Internet indicate that in the first days of sales, the demand for a new game was formed practically with lightning speed.

The explanation of such a massive success of the game in Japan concluded in just two sentences - "freedom of choice" and "3D-visualization". Actually GTA was the first game in which the character was free to deviate from the script and go his own way. But a three-dimensional representation of the criminal events were new for 2004, which made the game a guaranteed success.

Reactions to GTA 3 in Japan

The series of games GTA huge number of fans, but a large number of opponents. Especially brightly confrontation criminal virtual world is manifested in Japan. This is due to strict laws and abundance professionally recreated scenes of violence in the game.

Pages themed gaming portals and forums contain references to the mods GTA 3 specifically for the Japanese audience. In the modified version of the script excluded or refined the most prominent crime scenes, related to the murders and brutal beatings.

Ultimately GTA 3 for Xbox entered the active sale with the age limit of the "18+". Already in the first days of sales revenues of the company-developer began to reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Media personnel are constantly watched and colorful covered the events related to the spread of the game in Japan and other continents.

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