Releases 2007: GTA LCS for PS2 in Japan

Releases 2007: GTA LCS for PS2 in Japan
Release GTA Liberty City Stories for PS2 took place in Japan in the second half of 2007. Players will finally be able to realize the benefits of a series of games 3D generation, after waiting 2 years from the release of the psp version.

During adaptation GTA LCS for PS2 were disabled individual's capabilities. In particular, the multiplayer mode was not available, was not added the ability to play music downloaded by the user. Graphics were not significantly different from the PSP version of LCS. Despite this, the drawing of the graphic effects were significantly superior to the third GTA.

the Developers and publishers GTA LCS

The development of three-dimensional modification Liberty City Stories was engaged employees Rockstar Leeds and North. As a major publisher of games for the majority of the information sources mentioned company Rockstar Games, and Eastern. Few people know that the advent of GTA LCS on the territory of Japan's community owes a lot to the company Capcom.

The company Capcom is located in Japan (Osaka) and is one of the largest publishers of computer games. Publishing activity has been conducted since 1979. At the time of occurrence in the light of GTA LCS for PS2, employees of the company is largely dependent on the timing of the emergence of 3D-shooter in Japan, where he acted very strict legislation. Formalities were resolved in the shortest possible time and with the age restriction 18+game went on sale.

the Release of Liberty City Stories for PS2 in Japan

The official release of the PS2 version of the game took place on 6 September 2007. The gaming community in Japan has managed to explore the features of the game, the release of which took place in 2006 on another continent. Since that time, there were hundreds of official news and thousands of comments of the players in the vast global network.

Notable is the fact that GTA LCS did not plan to release for PS2. This is evidenced by data on the statements of employees Rockstar Games, which have been partially preserved in the Internet (in index databases and private information sites).

The output of the PS2 version still became inevitable. Players in Japan were pleased with the relatively low cost of the game. She was almost two times lower than in the first three parts of the GTA, adapted for the PlayStation 2. What exactly caused the price drop it is only known to the developers and publishers. Players could only enjoy and immerse yourself in an alternate reality of the criminal world, who had several transformed.

Releases 2007: GTA LCS for PS2 in Japan Releases 2007: GTA LCS for PS2 in Japan Releases 2007: GTA LCS for PS2 in Japan

Innovations in GTA LCS

Was significantly expanded lineup of vehicles. New cars (V8 Ghost, Deimos SP and others), as well as motorcycles, which were later banned in the third GTA due to the incompatibility of the story.

Was added 8 new missions: Trashmaster, Car Salesman, Scooter Shooter, and others. The job in which the most varied: from innocent vehicle sales to the organization of mass riots.

The list of available weapons has not undergone significant changes. The player has traditionally been provided by one of the weapons of the 10 types of weapons from knives to guns and bombs.

Compared with the third part of GTA have made significant adjustments in the graphics "engine": increased distance of the visible part of the virtual world, improved rendering reflections on the Windows of cars and shops, modified graphical display system of particles.

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