How to add music in GTA 4

How to add music in GTA 5

About the game

GTA game is of great interest to the people of Russia. It is difficult to find a gamer who has not played in this masterpiece of the Rockstar company. The user is often faced with a situation in which he wants to listen to his own music to make the game was more interesting. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to add music to GTA 4. How to fix this problem, the today's article will tell.

Setting your own music in GTA 4

Follow the instruction strictly

  1. Click on the label "My computer", then find there the folder" Documents", in which there is a folder named "Rockstar Gaming".
  2. In this folder, select GTA IV.
  3. Then open the folder called "User Music".
  4. Create a folder in which you will insert your music.
  5. As the desired music will be uploaded, create a shortcut and return to the folder from step 3.
  6. Specify the computer path to the label and confirm it.
  7. Start the game, go to the "options" tab, then to the "audio" section, change the "independent FM" mode to "serial".
  8. In the end, you just need any machine you like, where you can check the availability of the music you have uploaded.
The choice of the playback mode in GTA 4
We hope this guide has helped you in this matter, and now to play your favorite video game will be more fun and interesting.

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