Change weapons in GTA 5

How to change weapons in GTA 5

How to switch weapons in GTA 5

«Kill or be killed» - that’s one of the main rules in the Grand Theft Auto series. The same goes for the multiplayer mode: players always tend to buy bigger guns and faster cars. In GTA 5 the choice of weapons and weapon upgrades is as large as never before. In the storyline mode, you can also activate cheat codes to get different guns.

How to change weapons in GTA 5
There are multiple types of weapons, every one of which has unique characteristics. For example, one high-caliber gun can shoot faster than the other, but deal less damage. So, players get as many guns as possible to ensure the death of their opponents. To switch between weapons, do the following:
  1. Go to any gun store.
  2. Choose a gun that you’d like to buy.
  3. Buy as many weapons as you can afford.
  4. Scroll your mouse wheel for to quickly switch between weapons. To change weapons of the same type, hold «Tab», move the mouse to the desired weapon type and scroll the mouse wheel.
How to change weapons in GTA 5
This works in the online mode as well. You can also find weapons in different places around the map. Play with your friends to complete online missions and be more effective when fighting other players.

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