The incorporation of night vision in GTA 5

Night vision in GTA 5

Some players don’t know how to use night vision in GTA 5 It appeared in multiplayer only after the «Heists» update. It can be used in the Humane Labs mission when the electricity goes down. After you complete the mission, you can buy night vision in Ammu-Nation stores for 17 500$. In order to use it in GTA Online, do the following:
  • Open the Interaction Menu;
  • Go to Inventory > Accessories > Gear;
  • Select Night Vision;
  • Press «Activate».
The night vision device of GTA 5
If you’re wearing a helmet, it will automatically disappear once you put your night vision gear on. You can use it for unlimited amounts of time, however we recommend not to use it in the daytime as the image will be very bright. In «Slasher» and «Beast vs. Slasher» game modes, you get the night vision in the very beginning of the match.
There are lots of other types of gear that you can use.

How to see at night in GTA 5

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