GTA 5: spaceship parts map

Spaceship parts map for GTA 5
GTA 5: spaceship parts map
For one of the secondary missions in GTA 5, “Far Out” issued by the omega, you need to collect 50 spaceship parts scattered on the map GTA V. After you give up the 50 assembled parts of UFO, opens an achievement / trophy “From Beyond the Stars”, and you will receive a reward - a unique car. In addition, the mission “Far Out” is needed for completion of GTA 5 100%. Spaceship part is a small glowing object which make vibration sound when approaching to it. Our map of spaceship parts in GTA 5 will show you the location of all of the remains of a spacecraft on the vast territory of GTA 5.

Mission “Far Out” is available after completion of the storyline mission “Fame or Shame”.

100 percent completion of GTA 5
For 100% completion of GTA 5 you should collect and return to Omega all 50 spaceship parts.

achievement / trophy From beyond the stars
For the achievement / trophy “From Beyond the Stars” you have to collect and returne to the Omega all 50 parts of the spacecraft.

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