Western Company Rogue from GTA Online

Western Company Rogue from GTA Online
Western Company Rogue – attack presented in the update for GTA Online "Smuggler`s Run".

The Rogue – turboprop aircraft, whose main task is to provide air support. It has resemblance with such models as the Beechcraft T-6 Texan II (the shape of the fuselage and blades) and Embraer EMB 312 Tucano (the wings and the shape of the stabilizer).

Western Company Rogue from GTA Online front view Western Company Rogue from GTA Online side view Western Company Rogue from GTA Online rear view
By default, this aircraft is presented as a simulator, but the player has the right to use it for businesses of a different nature. On the wings of The Rogue hang missiles and machine guns, which are obviously not attached for peaceful purposes, like training flight over the valley.

This battle plane is included in the list of some of the most maneuverable air vehicles. The combination of low complexity during landing and moderate load exerted by the arms, makes the "Rogue" is appropriate more for offensive purposes than defensive. However, there is one "but" – namely, the lack of strength of his armor, which the player must be careful during their sorties.

In addition to the previously mentioned missiles and machine guns, which equipped with our offensive-fitness attack, The Rogue also has a bomb Bay with up to 50 bombs.

Characteristics of Western Company Rogue from GTA Online

Speed -
Weight -
Capacity 2 persons
Engine -
Drivetrain -
Brake force distribution -
Damage in the collision -
Damage during the deformation of the body -
Damaging small arms -
Damaging the engine -
The purchase price GTA Online $1596000
The price of legal sale -
The illegal sale price -

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