Western Company Seabreeze from GTA Online

Western Company Seabreeze from GTA Online
Western Company Seabreeze – seaplane available in the GTA Online update "Smuggler`s Run".

Despite the bulky overall design, and a simplified propulsion system, Seabreeze develops quite a decent speed and pliable in management, what can compete even with the Mallard or the Howard NX-25. The location of its propeller precludes cases where a player can scratch it on an obstacle or to bring someone harm when the aircraft is on the ground. The presence of Seabreeze amphibious capabilities and tricycle landing gear characterize it as a very versatile means of transport: land, air or water, but parallel to, the lack of heavy weapons and armor, makes this model unsuitable for offensive purposes.

Western Company Seabreeze from GTA Online front view Western Company Seabreeze from GTA Online side view Western Company Seabreeze from GTA Online rear view
Seabreeze is equipped with a piston engine, as indicated by the distinctive sound produced by them. The player can also modify the aircraft by adding two machine guns on the wings that will enable to increase its defensive capabilities (and this is in addition to the existing bomb Bay with a capacity of 50 bombs).

Characteristics of Western Company Seabreeze from GTA Online

Speed -
Weight -
Capacity 2 persons
Engine -
Drivetrain -
Brake force distribution -
Damage in the collision -
Damage during the deformation of the body -
Damaging small arms -
Damaging the engine -
The purchase price GTA Online $1130500
The price of legal sale -
The illegal sale price -

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