9 may celebration

Now on Grove Street you can celebrate 9th may! There are four areas, then that would be:
-Show a small parade, which will be attended by two tanks and two swatvan ' and they will travel across the street to the shop Binko and parade will end.
-Launch a toy military vertoletike that can shoot missiles (if there are no obstacles ahead) when you press Fire. (details will be displayed in the team game ToolTips).
-Help the Russians beat junkies, who decided to spoil the holiday. If you win, will get $ 150.
-Show a small salute (9 rounds).
Best of all, it can be run in any order, getting up on the field.
With that, I will not tell, so as not to spoil the surprise.
Congrats to all the victory day celebrations!
Celebrate health and don't make poor people running away from the deadly blades of a small vertoletika. :)

Author Alexxx
CLEO version CLEO 4

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