FOV Editor

FOV Editor for GTA San Andreas. This script allows you to change the viewing angle. The maximum angle which can be supplied: 90°.

However, if you go into the folder "Cleo" and there you can find the FOV file.ini. Open it with Notepad, there you will find the line: fov = (number).
Instead of a number, write the desired angle, for example 100. "FOV.ini" will appear only after the launch of GTA.

Enter "CAM" as a code to activate the script. Press and hold "Y" to increase the viewing angle. Press and hold "N" to decrease the angle.

You can easily download a FOV Editor for GTA San Andreas on the link below.

Author oksa8
CLEO version CLEO Library 4.4.1
Mod was manually checked for malicious code and stealers

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 Downloads: 4.9k

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