SA:MP 0.3d

New client San Andreas Multiplyer. It went all big and interesting server.
Mini statement:
F6 - Open the chat line. F7 - Hide chat. F9 - Hide kill list.
Press F6 and write:
/quit/q) - Closing client SA:MP
/fpslimit - set frames per second(FPS).
/pagesize - the number of chat lines.
/timestamp - on/off time of the chat.
/headmove - enable/disable rotation on the head of the character.
P.S: Described only important commands and hot keys.

Changes for SA-MP 0.3d:

- Support for Shoutcast / Icecast audio streams
- All companies The mission of the sounds (IDs greater than 2000) of GTA: SA single player can now be used with PlayerPlaySound
- RemoveBuildingForPlayer can be used to remove any building or object from the game
- Fixed ​​the problem with the radar to jump up and down, and passengering in the car
- Fixed quite a few problems with the vehicle synchronization, which can cause cars to warp or to appear to be moving sideways
- Fixed problems with motorcycle / pushbike synchronization
- Fixed ​​surfing on cars
- MAX_OBJECTS was increased to 1000
- MAX_PICKUPS was increased to 4096
Stop frame, now defaults to 50 fps
- Fixed some minor problems with the vehicle exit animation
- Fixes crashes related to escalators
The server has the ability to control the internal frame in the network statistics line
- Fixed​​ a bug where you could spawn on top of the last car you were surfing
- Removed animation PED FACTALK from showing in GetPlayerAnimationIndex
- Fixed collision on the Elevator the model, which will allow you to jump out while it was moving down
Client / Server update SA-MP 0.3d RC2

- Added script OnPlayerTakeDamage callback for event tracking to damage the player.
- Fixed problems with tow trucks to lose the tug around other players.
- Added ​​DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD for ShowPlayerDialog (), which displays, in the input mask.
- Audio stream will stop playing as soon as a player disconnects from the server.
- Fixed problems with playback of some audio identifiers above 2000 PlayerPlaySound.
- Added ​​/ audiomsg command to disable an audio message stream URL in the chat.
- 0.3d list of servers currently live.

cessil working on some new models for SA-MP 0.3d.
Included in SA-MP 0.3d RC2 are replacement doors prison cell, replacing the SFPD interior models with doors removed, taxi signs, which can be attached to any vehicle.

OnPlayerTakeDamage is called when a player gets hurt and loses health.

the player the player who has taken damage. issuerid can be the player responsible for the damage. If the player has lost health due to a fall or collision, issuerid will INVALID_PLAYER_ID.Float: amount contains the amount of health lost to the player from damaging events. weaponid contains the type of weapons that can cause damage similar to OnPlayerDeath.
Client / Server update SA-MP 0.3d RC3

- Some tweaks to GTA: SA engine should lead to an increase in FPS, smooth gameplay, and less CPU usage for most players.
- Added ​​the final rotation parameters for " MoveObject () (default settings).
- Added ​​AttachObjectToObject () and object-surfing the attachment of moving objects.
- Added example scripts: cargo ship, pirate ship, Ferris wheel, " MoveObject rotation and AttachObjectToObject.
- Fixed ​​a buffer overflow in the server configuration command Exec described here:
As always, we recommend that the server owners never use the configuration files and scripts from untrusted sources. Always edit your own configuration files and compile any pawn scripts your server uses with. a Separate file.

Important: changes to " MoveObject will not require you to change your script, however, all scripts that use the " MoveObject must be recompiled for SA-MP 0.3d.
Additional client update SA-MP 0.3d RC3-2

- Fixed ​​the problem with the audio stream does not always stop when the next thread played.
- If " MoveObject () method on the object that is already moving, the previous " MoveObject () will not complete (it will start to move from the current position, not on the last place target " MoveObject).
Although proper behavior " MoveObject () should finish the previous movement, before moving again, this does not correspond to this behavior in the previous SA-MP version and the new behavior (introduced in 0.3d RC3) will break existing scripts.
- Fixed crash when playing surfing the object that was deleted.
- Fixed ​​the problem with the player spinning when standing on a rotating object.
- Fixed some weapons issues associated with the GTA engine settings entered in 0.3d RC3.
Additional client update SA-MP 0.3d RC3-3

- This update should fix the issues some people have noticed, with slightly increased speed of the game.
- Added ​​sa-mp.cfg option "multi-core". If you install the multicore = 1 in sa-mp.cfg, GTA: SA will use multiple CPU cores when running SA-MP. Eventually, this option will be enabled by default once it has been through some trials.
- Added all the latest models and edits from cessil to samp.ide / samp.img.
- Removed model BigCesar from samp.ide, because that appears to be causing crashes.

Important: For servers that use SPECIAL_ACTION_USECELLPHONE. This special offer will no longer display the mobile phone model of the player's hand. This was done so that other objects can be used instead of the mobile phone, such as custom phones initially added in 0.3c. To reproduce the old behavior for this promotion, see below script:
Client / Server update SA-MP 0.3d RC4

- Player slots on the server without caps (500 slots).
- "MoveObject will not interfere with the rotation if the rotation parameters are not used. It also does not interfere in SetObjectRot ().
- Fixed ​​2-sided texture problem Area 51 fence.
Additional client update SA-MP 0.3d RC4-2

- Some users experienced startup crash related to Securom.
Client / Server update SA-MP 0.3d RC5

- Added ​​OnPlayerGiveDamage callback. This is the opposite of OnPlayerTakeDamage. He is a player who causes damage to another player.
- More tweaks to the game speed of firing weapons.
- Fixed ​​a mistake, SetPlayerTeam () sometimes desyncing and allows friendly fire.
Players have found a way to avoid color codes cut from a chat. This problem has been fixed in 0.3d.
- Added missing player skins. Thanks IllidanS4 for providing IDs and names of the voice file.

Author sa-mp team
Mod was manually checked for malicious code and stealers

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