Smarter Localization v2.0

The best Softonic GTA SA at the moment, which gave the guys from SanLtd Team.

Follow the installer instructions. Install automatic. If after you install the game language was English, go to game Settings -> Language and select English as the default language.

- Translation posters, etc. in the interior;
- New font;
- Translation of the game 100%;
- Fully compatible with SA-MP, not one of the flight and crash.
- Icons missions on the map and the radar now in Russian;
- Fixed errors from the standard translation of the game
and much more!

Changes in v2.0
- All bugs fixed;
- New font in HD quality;
Radar and icons now in HD quality;
- The new design of the installer;

Author SanLtd Team

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 Downloads: 22.2k

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