Camera Hack 2.9

CamHack-the only program of its kind. It can do anything with the camera in the game. There is also a speedometer and instrument damage. It is easy to learn. Attention! The program works only with gta-vc.exe v 1.00. And if you have Windows 7, download the fix.

Numpad * = Enable
Numpad/= Disable
Numpad 8 = Move Up
Numpad 2 = Move Down
Numpad 4 = Move Left
Numpad 6 = Move Right
Numpad + = Move Forward
Numpad-Move Backward
Numpad 1 = Pivot Z Up (used for on-foot/top-down)
Numpad 3 = Z Down Pivot (used for on-foot/top-down)
Numpad 0 = Toggle Mouse Modifier
Numpad. = Switch Modes
Numpad 5 = Reset Position
Key C = View/Change view Backward during replay
Mouse Y = Pitch
Mouse X = Yaw
Mouse Z = Roll (Mouse-Wheel)

Numpad 7 = Toggle Camera Lock
Numpad 9 = Toggle Free Look Mode

Left Bracket ' ' = Decrease FOV
(Ignore option must be unchecked for FOV Keys)

Equals ' = ' = Cruise Control
DEL = Save all edited views
END = Restore the current view from file

P = Enable Manual Transmission
' = Shift Up
; = Shift Down

Author Racer_S

 Views: 34.5k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/54)
 Downloads: 8.3k

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