VC Camera Hack v3.0c

CamHack v3.0 (c)-it is the only program that allows you to control the game camera in GTA Vice City. Using Cam Hack you can do anything with the camera in the game. Also comes with a speedometer and instrument damage. CamHack allow choosing a beautiful view for your screenshots!

Attention! If you have Windows 7 or Windows 8, download CamHack Fix for Windows 7.
After installation, the CamHack.exe will be located in the root folder of the game.

Numpad * = Enable
Numpad/= Disable
Numpad 8 = Move Up
Numpad 2 = Move Down
Numpad 4 = Move Left
Numpad 6 = Move Right
Numpad + = Move Forward
Numpad-Move Backward
Numpad 1 = Pivot Z Up (used for on-foot/top-down)
Numpad 3 = Z Down Pivot (used for on-foot/top-down)
Numpad 0 = Toggle Mouse Modifier
Numpad. = Switch Modes
Numpad 5 = Reset Position
Key C = View/Change view Backward during replay
Mouse Y = Pitch
Mouse X = Yaw
Mouse Z = Roll (Mouse-Wheel)

Numpad 7 = Toggle Camera Lock
Numpad 9 = Toggle Free Look Mode

Left Bracket ' ' = Decrease FOV
(Ignore option must be unchecked for FOV Keys)

Equals ' = ' = Cruise Control
DEL = Save all edited views
END = Restore the current view from file

P = Enable Manual Transmission
' = Shift Up
; = Shift Down

Author Racer_S

 Views: 37.7k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/64)
 Downloads: 17k

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