Here I will talk about how toned glass in Zmodeler'e (hereinafter splinter).
To start import model in thorn (texture from file TXD must be in the same folder as DFF, some models can be boarded up and you cannot open them)
This is what it should look like
Further to the left or to the right press glass right-click and select «Properties»
See it here
Remember the name of the material (in this case Matte: 66333333 [evn:2,spec,trans])
Next we open the material editor
And see this window, trying to drive in the search name Mata Matte: 66333333 [evn:2,spec,trans] and click find
next, click on the Mat, in the tab color and lighting set up the desired color by dragging sliders,
and in the settings tab, set up the transparency transparency
If everything is configured, press OK
Also, you can configure a different color
Now export model. Click the export button and then select the type of file (for example we GTA San Andreas .DFF (*.dff))
It is IMPORTANT name when exporting must match the root name of the model, but you didn't understand what I wrote) so
If everything is correct, click export and then plug the model into the game
P.S If the game by car some details white (i.e. without textures), and in splinter everything seems OK, then do the following
Open the model in splinter, right click on the part that game white and select Geometry - tip - format value Channel UV on all children must bear 2, if you have a value of 1, then change it to 2, if there is 2, then it means that either the details of textures, or not in the file TXD
Further export model and paste into a game
The author of the article IGOR94 (Bykov94)