The characters in GTA 5 and where to find them

 GTA 5 Characters
In the fifth part of the series, the largest number of characters that affect the development of the plot. In addition to the three protagonists, the player will meet dozens of detailed characters during the passage. The article deals with the names of GTA 5 characters and gives a brief description of them.

How many characters are there in GTA 5?

The storyline in Grand Theft Auto V is rich in characters, passers-by, and events. The first innovation – three main characters, which are associated with separate story branches, additional quests. The second innovation is a huge number of secondary characters and random encounters. The characters involved and influencing the plot include 16 people. With them, the player constantly intersects in missions, performs personal tasks. The category of secondary characters does not affect the story, but the characters are found on tasks or in screensavers. In GTA 5, the characters are divided into mercenaries who help with the robbery. The game introduces you to their history and skills. In total, there are about 100 characters in the story mode.

Interesting! In terms of number, variety and heroes, only GTA San Andreas can be compared to the fifth part.

Description of the main characters

For the first time in the GTA 5 series, there were 3 main characters that differ from each other in character, behavior and biography.

Franklin Clinton

The first character that starts the game after passing the prologue. A simple guy from a poor family and a deprived area. After his time in prison, he tries to whitewash his name and return to an honest life. However, friend Lamar, as well as acquaintance with Michael, break all the plans of the hero. First, he lives on Forum drive, after a successful robbery, he moves to an elite area of the city. He has the most transparent past among all the protagonists.

Even-tempered and calm protagonist. Tries to avoid conflicts if they are inappropriate. The active ability is to slow down the time behind the wheel. Stands out for high driving skill.

 Franklin Clinton

Michael De Santa

Michael becomes the second playable character. After a botched robbery in North Yankton, he makes a deal with the law. Departs from crime and tries to establish a normal life, make friends with the family. However, he constantly conflicts with his wife and children. Most of the decisions are made for their own benefit. Gradually becomes a full-fledged mentor for Franklin. Strained relationship with Trevor.

Can slow down time when firing any weapon. Inferior to teammates in hand-to-hand combat and driving. It is the "brain" of all preparatory operations and the robberies themselves.

 Michael De Santa

Trevor Phillips

Trevor Phillips is the most unbalanced and ambiguous character in the GTA story. The player can only find it after the first robbery involving Franklin and Michael. Lives in the North of Los Santos, in the desert village of sandy shores. Has many mental disorders, drug and alcohol dependence. The character is hated by all groups. Friendship with Michael is complicated by details from their biography, and with Franklin, the hero finds a common language not so quickly.

Trevor's main skills are hand-to-hand combat and piloting. Active ability-rage. When enabled, the hero's armor increases, and the damage is reduced twice.

 Trevor Phillips
Interesting! Real actors from the United States and Canada became prototypes, as well as voiced game characters. Their names are: Steven OGG (Trevor Phillips), Sean Fontenot (Franklin Clinton), Ned Luke (Michael De Santa).

Main characters from the story

The main characters of GTA 5-heroes that affect the development of the storyline. They appear regularly in tasks, but you can't play for them.

Leicester Cross

A full-fledged fourth member of the gang, engaged in planning and implementing technologies. An old friend of Michael and Trevor. Participates in robberies and gives tasks to Franklin to kill people. Suffers from a disease that restricts the ability to move. Compensates for this level of intelligence, attention to detail, which is important when planning robberies.
Appears in GTA Online for issuing tips and paid services: announcement of a reward for the player's head, getting rid of harassment, hiding from the radar.

 Leicester Cross

Tracy De Santa

Daughter Of Michael De Santa. First appears in the game in a mission with Franklin's infiltration of the mansion. A young and beautiful girl conflicts with all family members and gets into trouble because of a rampant lifestyle. Her father regularly saves her from scrapes and protects her from unwanted personalities.

 Tracy De Santa

Jimmy De Santa

Michael and Amanda's son. The guy is lazy, spends time playing computer games. He doesn't want to work, so he spends his father's money quietly. Hanging out and drinking with friends. Jimmy is quite shy and doesn't solve problems on his own. Therefore, the guy is periodically helped by Michael and Franklin. With the latter, they become friends.

 Jimmy De Santa

Amanda De Santa

Michael's wife, Jimmy and Tracy's mother. Together with the children, she was placed under the witness protection program in 2004 because of Michael's activities. I met my future husband in my youth, when I worked as a stripper. The last 10 years, the relationship with Michael is completely ruined. Changes with a tennis coach. Despite this, the main character protects his wife and family. Amanda is one of the few female characters who can be called the Central face of the story.

 Amanda De Santa

Lamar Davis

Lamar is Franklin's best friend from childhood. Constantly draws the protagonist into criminal showdowns. On this basis, there is a misunderstanding between friends. Makes stupid decisions and falls into the traps of enemies, where Franklin has to save him. In GTA 5, characters do not appear so often online, but Lamar is dedicated to a whole story company for players related to overtaking cars.

 Lamar Davis

Ron Jakowski

Ronald is Trevor Phillips ' best friend. Sometimes he is afraid of his friend, but advises him the best solutions in business and showdowns with other groups. Introduction to the character takes place in the first mission, where Phillips appears. Believes in conspiracy theories.

 Ron Jakowski

Minor characters

Minor heroes of GTA 5 are not relatives or friends of the protagonists. However, the characters affect the plot development.

Dave Norton

Representative of the FRB. Suggested that Michael go to the witness protection program after providing information about a robbery in North Yankton. Killed Michael and Trevor's third partner, brad Snyder. On this operation, he made a successful career in the service.

 Dave Norton

Steve Haynes

This hero works for the FRB, but together with Dave makes the protagonists pull off several illegal cases. It pursues only its own goals, one of which is to move up the career ladder. In one of the endings, the character is killed by Franklin.

 Steve Haynes

Devin Weston

Devin is a billionaire and owner of a large company in Los Santos. When you meet the characters offers lucrative deals, as a result of which Michael can do a movie with a famous Director, and Trevor and Franklin get a contract to steal 5 expensive cars.

 Devin Weston


GTA 5 heroes from this category can be hired to help with robberies. With the help of the list, it becomes clear how many options the game offers helpers:
  • Driver Category. These include Eddie Towe (excellent driving performance), Taliana Martinez (favorable price / skill ratio), and Karim Denz (average pilot).
  • Category of shooters. This group includes Gustavo Mota (best shooter), Chief (Trevor's partner), Hugh Welsh (average skill), Carl Abolaji (average skill), Norm Richards (weak professional), Daryl Jones (cheap mercenary).
  • Hacker Category. Hackers and programmers include Paige Harris (best specialist), Christian Fletz (average skill), and Ricky Lukens (bad hacker).

Weirdos and strangers

The fifth part of the series is rich in random encounters. They are marked with question marks. Some tasks are completed for any hero, and some are tied to a specific protagonist. It is recommended to talk to passers-by to perform unusual tasks (photos of stars, hunting, tracking Bigfoot, running marathons). Random meetings create a background and a sense of a living city, where you can meet diverse personalities-fanatics, crazy, unhappy people.

Most of the story focuses on the biography of the main characters in the GTA story. However, additional tasks with the help of heroes reveal in more detail the characters and relationships between Michael and the family, Franklin and the gang, Trevor and groups in the North. Rockstar Games has done a great job of creating charismatic and interesting characters that are interesting to watch throughout the game.

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